Enjoy & Relax during this Beautification Moment with me! Stating a basic makeup suitable special for men (and for girls if they feel so). Keep #BeYOUtiful ❤ Luís de Oliveira

Do we all need eye contour cream? And which BB cream to use? Is there one for all skin tones? Speaking of tones…have you ever thought about what eyeshadows can be better suited to the colour of your eyes? And how to choose the masks for the eyelashes? Well, I have one thing to say, stay until the end because you won’t regret it. The girls will love it and the boys will too. 🙂

Faberlic – Be YOUR Best! with Catarina Vieira!!
Catarina is a childhood friend. We went to school together – many years ago – and I’m super happy to be collaborating with her on a common project and with a common purpose – make you be your best while respecting our blue and green planet.
Enjoy our new video!
Luís de Oliveira

World Health Day 2021: Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone

They say “an apple a day keeps your doctor away”. I say that we all can change this a little bit & visit our family doctors to guide us in preventing disease & be informed about good and adapted health habits to each one of us. Never forget, we are all different & each one of us deserves BeYOUtiful personalised solutions.