I know, all year long we are thinking about those great feelings associated with the summer beach body while wearing the perfect bikini. Ready to find out why?

In order to celebrate the 5th anniversary of ❤ ZAFUL– one-stop online shop for today’s most daring, exciting and edgy fashion apparel – & as we are entering tomorrow in the Summer Season – in Portugal – I decided to explore the possible brain effects of bikinis.

Nowadays, it is known that our pleasure, motivation, reward, cognitive function, maternal and reproductive behaviors, as well as, motor control are modulated by the neurotransmitter Dopamine.* In a simplistic way, this is the substance that our body produces & which increases when we feel rewarded and motivated. For example, when we buy that amazing summer piece that we love and that we believe that will make a difference in our relation to the world that surrounds us. Also, it is the same substance that will make us do that same action that gave us pleasure & motivation.

& so how this relates to bikinis & summer?

Well, all year around we – most of us – are constantly struggling for achieving the amazing feelings that we had during the last summer while we were wearing our great bikini. Because, we want to feel the same reward.
Also, if for you using a bikini is also a statement of empowerment & the expression of all of your femininity, it will also your make your body produce the “Happy Molecule” – Dopamine.

Besides the effects that I described above, did you know that are recent studies that relate Dopamine with analgesic effects?

“Recent insights have demonstrated a central role for dopaminergic neurotransmission in modulating pain perception and natural analgesia within supraspinal regions, including the basal ganglia, insula, anterior cingulate cortex, thalamus and periaqueductal gray. In addition, while the participation of serotonin and norepinephrine in spinal descending inhibition of pain is well known, a critical role for dopamine in descending inhibition has also been demonstrated.”

Wood PB, Role of central dopamine in pain and analgesia | Expert Rev Neurother. 2008 May;8(5):781-97. doi: 10.1586/14737175.8.5.781.

Well, that might explain those amazing summer feelings that we all have.

Ready to find your ZAFUL bikini for this Summer? Have a look at some!

More at ZAFUL (click here)!

I hope you understand now better our human brain in order to do great choices! Also, never forget, rewarding comes for everything you love, so LOVE YOURSELF first!

❤ Luís de Oliveira
d’Oliveira fashion blog

Solis Magazine


DFBlog | Português

Olá #BeYOUtiful! Amanhã inicia finalmente o Verão no nosso Portugal – espero que não seja só mesmo no calendário, não é!? – e por isso elaborei em conjunto com a ZAFUL – que está a festejar o seu quinto aniversário esta semana – este artigo que explora alguns dos sentimentos do verão e que também podem estar associados ao significado do biquini. Espero que gostem das minhas sugestões e acima de tudo não se esqueçam – o sentimento de recompensa surge quando tomamos ações com AMOR, por isso, que a Dopamina resultante seja uma consequência a acima de tudo de AMOR PRÓPRIO!
❤ Luís de Oliveira | O Doutor da Moda

PS: My #BeYOUtiful people, please if you are able, contribute even if with a small amount to the maintenance of this page. You can donate through PayPal app placed in the bar bellow or at the main page – sidebar.

*Marianne O. Klein et al, Dopamine: Functions, Signaling, and Association with Neurological Diseases | Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (2019) 39:31–59 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10571-018-0632-3

Posted by:Luís de Oliveira

Through doliveirafashionblog.com spreading 'The Art of BeYOUtiful'!

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