I know your eyes in the morning sun…

(Press the Quote to Play the Song)

I feel that there are moments, days, or even months in which we are far from ourselves looking for something that fulfils our motion on this planet – looking for new clothes, new shoes, new hair, new voyage, new life. But, what can we do? Ready to find?

We are living in a world where we need to show how deep we are into something, even if it means repress – or mess up with – our perception of what we really need. Have YOU ever felt that?!

I did, and I wonder – Are our brains breaking us down?! We must be aware of the door to our very soul and let the light guide us in the darkest hours. In that way, we will be the saviours of the world! We must be aware that our actions promote always an outcome – not just for each one of us, but for others in this planet.

Adapted from the review article https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2016.11.029

Clothes are frequently present in both processes!

I am talking about health outcomes – as you can see above – that comes with pollution, which can be a result of our need to seek new clothes to fill what is missing in our life.

So, the question here is: HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE?

Your love for yourself, for your clothes, for the designers that made them! Of course, we need to buy new pieces, but we must be aware of when to do it & if we are buying it for the right reasons.

Have you ever thought about Sewing

How deep is your love? Because this could be a great opportunity to explore your-true-self while getting out of the cycle of buy addiction & at the same time an amazing chance to be creative & even represent yourself truthfully to the world! Have you ever imagined recreating pieces like the one on the cover of this article, with your old shirt? Or even just enjoy a song while sewing the cashmere sweater you love, giving it another life to live? I am starting to do it & I loved it!

Instagram of @otra__vez

This is an example of many more. Now, do you mean to learn? I do! & I found this website – click HERE – with many things about sewing, machines, needles & all the preps you need! Also, it talks about fabrics & all of the good things we like in fashion!

I believe we can do better! I believe in YOU!

love, d’Oliveira fashion blog | Luís de Oliveira #TheFashionDoctorPT
COVER Team Credits | #DFBlogFashionPhotographer Mariana Valdoleiros, #ChiefCreativeOfficer Luís de Oliveira
Sponsored by Teach You to Sew

#DFBlog | Português

Olá BeYOUtiful! Já não é novidade por aqui que a moda vai além do conceito mecanista de vestir – e também já não é novidade que a nossa rúbrica QUELQU’UN MA DIT tem sempre uma música associada, por isso não te esqueças de carregar na citação no início deste artigo! ❤
O conceito que desenvolvi para esta publicacão vai de encontro à nossa necessidade – fundada ou infundada – de comprarmos roupa quando estamos mais tristes, ou quando saímos para ir ao shopping. Neste nosso mundo citadino e cheio de publicidade muitas vezes seguimos o nosso impulso, sem darmos voz à nossa consciência. Não é novidade também – pelo menos para a maioria, mas se for O.K. na mesma 🙂 – que a indústria da moda é das mais poluidoras do nosso ambiente e que isso interfere com a nossa saúde e bem estar. Assim, de forma a contrariar todas estas variáveis – incluindo os nossos impulsos de madness – é optar por reconstruir ou adaptar o que por vezes já não usamos tanto, ou então, podemos compor com as nossas próprias mãos aquela camisola que mais adoramos no nosso guarda-roupa, mas que tem um pequeno e irritante buraquinho! Certo? Além disso, pode ser um importante momento de criatividade , relaxamento e até de reflexão.
Prontos para isso? Se sim, aqui fica um website que nos pode ajudar nestre processo de coser: Teach You to Sew.
love, Luís de Oliveira #ChiefCreativeOfficer

Posted by:Luís de Oliveira

Through doliveirafashionblog.com spreading 'The Art of BeYOUtiful'!

6 replies on “I Believe in YOU!

    1. So happy to see that you like! You know, fashion can be inspiring in many ways, even helping humanity in other many ways…just if we use it right! When not used right, Fashion can be a heavy factor in pollution. However, if we get creative – we can reuse old clothes, e.g.. Furthermore, with fashion technology there is also arising new sustainable techniques that can improve a lot the pollution rates regarding this industry. Keep in touch, because, I am launching a new video on YouTube talking about that with the Fashion Designer Susana Bettencourt. 🙂 Btw, have you seen my last video with her on youtube? If not here is the link: https://youtu.be/RE1n9X60XUI
      Subscribe & like please ❤


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