The collection that will make your life a #BeYOUtiful one – VICRI FW16!


First press PLAY, then…

Life is made of EVENTS! Events that turn to make your life a fairytale or Events that push you to the ground! Between them, there is “the moment” & VICRI FW16 Fashion Show through winner voices, innovative textile & versatile attitude guaranteed us a very pleasant life experience!   

The 38th edition of Portugal Fashion was about to end on that life changing Saturday night, but when everyone thought that nothing more could happen – or not, since the after party was about to come –  we suddenly hear, literally, “The Voice” – Deolinda Kinzimba – creating the perfect #BeYOUtiful opening that I am sure Jorge Ferreira – Head Designer at VICRI – planed.

Interview with Jorge Ferreira

As Jorge Ferreira confessed to me, he wanted to share with us the best society moments of the Studio 54 epoch – in New York City – & I have to say that he amazingly achieved it!

“Although people status or job, they had a huge desire in live enjoyable moments & show themselves. I think that it is the way that our society must evolve.”

Deolinda Kinzimba & Jorge Ferreira


From that perspective of living life, Ferreira – who habituated us with a man that breathe different colours & who used them in a futuristic way – for the FW16 season, pushed further his brand identity by embellish us – men – with big fluffing overcoats & coats with new details, where earth colours – from heaven to darker realms – collide with sophisticated materials!

The Man of VICRI is the man who is always ready for the most important unexpected encounters!

….& as you know, D’Oliveira Fashion Blog is all about happy rendezvous & the freedom of the true-self! Well, VICRI for the next season is all about that!

“Criar looks que tanto podem ser usados no local de trabalho como num ambiente menos formal, seja fim-de-semana ou não. Depois cabe a cada um escolher até onde pode dar largas à imaginação. Tive sempre a preocupação de criar o máximo possível de peças separadas, dando assim liberdade total ao cliente de coordenar, misturar a seu gosto. Liberdade acima de tudo.”

Through these innovative & versatile styles – where more casual & charming glassy shirts are placed under glamorous suits & overcoats full of personality  –  Jorge Ferreira has a message to all of us:

“Esta vida são dois dias, há que aproveitar.”

& cound’t agree more…

As you know,

#BeYOUtiful #NotRegular

With from

@Credited Top Blogger at Portugal Fashion FW16

TEAM | words by Luís de Oliveira & photos by Mariana Valdoleiros

#portugalfashion #portugalfashionfw16 #portugalfashiontopblogger

PS: Many thanks Jorge Ferreira for your kindness & availability! #BeYOUtiful 🙂


Posted by:Luís de Oliveira

Through spreading 'The Art of BeYOUtiful'!

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